Dave Hartley
SQL injection is one of the most devastating vulnerabilities that impact a business, as it can lead to exposure of all of the sensitive information stored in an application’s database, including handy information such as usernames, passwords, names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card details.
SQL injection it is the vulnerability that results when you give an attacker the ability to influence the Structured Query Language (SQL) queries that an application passes to a back-end database.
SQL injection is not a vulnerability that exclusively affects Web applications; any software that accepts input from an untrusted source and then uses that input to form dynamic SQL statements could be vulnerable (e.g. “fat client” applications in a client/server architecture).
Web applications are becoming more sophisticated and increasingly technically complex. The availability of these systems and the sensitivity of the data that they store and process are becoming critical to almost all major businesses, not just those that have online e-commerce stores.
SQL injection is an attack in which the SQL code is inserted or appended into application/user input parameters that are later passed to a back-end SQL server for parsing and execution. Any procedure that constructs SQL statements could potentially be vulnerable, as the diverse nature of SQL and the methods available for constructing it provide a wealth of coding options. The primary form of SQL injection consists of direct insertion of code into parameters that are concatenated with SQL commands and executed. A less direct attack injects malicious code into strings that are destined for storage in a table or as metadata. When the stored strings are subsequently concatenated into a dynamic SQL command, the malicious code is executed.
When a Web application fails to properly sanitize the parameters which are passed to dynamically created SQL statements (even when using parameterization techniques) it is possible for an attacker to alter the construction of back-end SQL statements. When an attacker is able to modify an SQL statement, the statement will execute with the same rights as the application user; when using the SQL server to execute commands that interact with the operating system, the process will run with the same permissions as the component that executed the command (e.g. database server, application server, or Web server), which is often highly privileged.
There are many ways to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities to achieve a myriad of goals; the success of the attack is usually highly dependent on the underlying database and interconnected systems that are under attack. Sometimes it can take a great deal of skill and perseverance to exploit a vulnerability to its full potential.
Understanding How It Happens
SQL is the standard language for accessing Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, and Informix (as well as other) database servers. Most Web applications need to interact with a database, and most Web application programming languages, such as ASP, C#, .NET, Java, and PHP, provide programmatic ways of connecting to a database and interacting with it. SQL injection vulnerabilities most commonly occur when the Web application developer does not ensure that values received from a Web form, cookie, input parameter, and so forth are validated before passing them to SQL queries that will be executed on a database server. If an attacker can control the input that is sent to an SQL query and manipulate that input so that the data is interpreted as a code instead of as data, the attacker may be able to execute the code on the back-end database.
Each programming language offers a number of different ways to construct and execute SQL statements, and developers often use a combination of these methods to achieve different goals. A lot of Web sites that offer tutorials and code examples to help application developers solve common coding problems often teach insecure coding practices and their example code is also often vulnerable. Without a sound understanding of the underlying database that they are interacting with or a thorough understanding and awareness of the potential security issues of the code that is being developed, application developers can often produce inherently insecure applications that are vulnerable to SQL injection. This situation has been improving over time and now a Google search for how to prevent SQL injection in your language or technology of choice, will usually present with a large number of valuable and useful resources that do offer good advice on the correct way to do things.
Dynamic String Building
Dynamic string building is a programming technique that enables developers to build SQL statements dynamically at runtime. Developers can create general-purpose, flexible applications by using dynamic SQL. A dynamic SQL statement is constructed at execution time, for which different conditions generate different SQL statements. It can be useful to developers to construct these statements dynamically when they need to decide at runtime what fields to bring back from, say, SELECT statements, the different criteria for queries, and perhaps different tables to query based on different conditions.
However, developers can achieve the same result in a much more secure fashion if they use parameterized queries. Parameterized queries are queries that have one or more embedded parameters in the SQL statement. Parameters can be passed to these queries at runtime; parameters containing embedded user input would not be interpreted as commands to execute, and there would be no opportunity for code to be injected. This method of embedding parameters into SQL is more efficient and a lot more secure than dynamically building and executing SQL statements using string-building techniques. One of the issues with building dynamic SQL statements is that if the code does not validate or encode the input before passing it to the dynamically created statement, an attacker could enter SQL statements as input to the application and have his SQL statements passed to the database and executed.
Incorrectly Handled Escape Characters
SQL databases interpret the quote character (‘) as the boundary between the code and data. They assume that anything following a quote is a code that it needs to run and anything encapsulated by a quote is data. Therefore, you can quickly tell whether a Web site is vulnerable to SQL injection by simply typing a single quote in the URL or within a field in the Web page or application. The single-quote character is not the only character that acts as an escape character; for instance, in Oracle, the blank space ( ), double pipe (||), comma (,), period (.), (*/), and double-quote characters (“) have special meanings.
Incorrectly Handled Errors
Improper handling of errors can introduce a variety of security problems for a Web site. The most common problem occurs when detailed internal error messages such as database dumps and error codes are displayed to the user or attacker. These messages reveal implementation details that should never be revealed. Such details can provide an attacker with important clues regarding potential flaws in the site. Verbose database error messages can be used to extract information from databases on how to amend or construct injections to escape the developer’s query or how to manipulate it to bring back extra data, or in some cases, to dump all of the data in a database.
Insecure Database Configuration
You can mitigate the access that can be leveraged, the amount of data that can be stolen or manipulated, the level of access to interconnected systems, and the damage that can be caused by an SQL injection attack, in a number of ways. Securing the application code is the first place to start; however, you should not overlook the database itself. Databases come with a number of default users preinstalled.
Microsoft SQL Server uses the infamous “sa” database system administrator account, MySQL uses the “root” and “anonymous” user accounts, and with Oracle, the accounts SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP, and OUTLN are often created by default when a database is created. These are not the only accounts, just some of the better-known ones; there are a lot more! These accounts are also preconfigured with default and well-known passwords.
Some system and database administrators install database servers to execute as the root, SYSTEM, or Administrator privileged system user account. Server services, especially database servers, should always be run as an unprivileged user (in a chroot environment, if possible) to reduce potential damage to the operating system and other processes in the event of a successful attack against the database. However, this is not possible for Oracle on Windows, as it must run with SYSTEM privileges. Each type of database server also imposes its own access control model assigning various privileges to user accounts that prohibit, deny, grant, or enable access to data and/or the execution of built-in stored procedures, functionality, or features. Each type of database server also enables, by default, functionality that is often surplus to requirements and can be leveraged by an attacker (xp_cmdshell, OPENROWSET, LOAD_FILE, ActiveX, Java support, etc.).
Application developers often code their applications to connect to a database using one of the built-in privileged accounts instead of creating specific user accounts for their applications needs. These powerful accounts can perform a myriad of actions on the database that are extraneous to an application’s requirement. When an attacker exploits an SQL injection vulnerability in an application that connects to the database with a privileged account, he can execute code on the database with the privileges of that account. Web application developers should work with database administrators to operate a least-privilege model for the application’s database access and to separate privileged roles as appropriate for the functional requirements of the application.
In an ideal world, applications should also use different database users to perform SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and similar commands. In the event of an attacker injecting code into a vulnerable statement, the privileges afforded would be minimized. Most applications do not separate privileges, so an attacker usually has access to all data in the database and has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, EXECUTE, and similar privileges, these excessive privileges can often allow an attacker to jump between databases and access data outside the application’s data store.
When an attacker exploits an SQL injection vulnerability he will often attempt to access database metadata. Metadata is data about the data contained in a database, such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that sometimes are used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog. The better approach is to operate a least-privilege model for the application’s database access and to separate privileged roles as appropriate for the functional requirements of the application.
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